Bathing is very essential for cats. today we are going to see How often should a cat be bathed and how to bathe a cat. Let us see in detail.
How often should a cat be bathed?
A common question among cat owners is how often should a cat be bathed? The answer may surprise you, but the truth is that cats are relatively clean animals and do not need to be bathed very often. Most veterinarians recommend bathing your cat once every 6-8 weeks or so. However, some cats who have skin allergies may require more frequent bathing.
One reason to bathe your cat infrequently is that frequent bathing can dry out the cat's coat and skin, which in turn can lead to problems with dandruff or itchy, flaky skin.
Why does your cat need to be bathed?
When cats are involved, it's usually best to ask what you can do for them rather than the other way around. However, if your kitty needs a bath there are several good reasons for giving him one.
1) He smells bad
kittens can get into litter box trouble from time to time by not cleaning up their messes. Or an older cat may have a chronic skin condition that makes him smell bad no matter how often he washes. You'll need to see your vet about these issues, but bathing can temporarily help mask the offensive odors before you head in for a proper diagnosis.
2) He has fleas
If your cat is scratching himself to the point of making himself bleed, you'll probably want to treat for fleas immediately. But how do you know if he has them? Sometimes your pet will start itching before you see any signs of fleas.
3) He's too dirty to groom himself properly
If this is the case, you'll notice that your cat isn't being very social with other cats in the house or your guests. He may not want you petting him either, because his fur feels greasy and matted. You can try bathing him with a mild pet shampoo if he tolerates it, but this case warrants a trip to the vet as well.
4) He has a skin condition
There are several medical conditions that make cats excessively itchy and cause them to over-groom themselves until they have bald patches or sores on their skin. For instance, cats with flea bite allergies may develop hot spots, while cats with food sensitivities often lick their paws until they're raw and bleeding.
5) He's having a medical issue unrelated to grooming
If your cat is vomiting or has diarrhea for more than 24 hours, he may need help from you and your vet to stay hydrated and nourished until the problem resolves itself naturally. In the meantime, you'll need to keep your cat's skin moisturized by washing his stomach, chest, and feet with a damp washcloth.
How cat to be bathed
You should never wash your cat in the kitchen sink. The bathroom sink is much safer because you'll be able to use one hand to hold him (so he doesn't slip) while you wash him with the other hand. It's a good idea to use a kitchen mat or old towel in the sink so he won't slip around when his feet get wet.
1) Talk softly and quietly in a soothing tone of voice. If something startles your cat, he'll probably try to run away or scratch you.
2) Wet him down with warm (not hot!) water from the faucet. If you're using a cup to rinse him, be sure to use lukewarm water instead of cold. Coldwater will make his skin contract and he won't like it one bit! You can also try using cotton balls dipped in water to clean some of the harder-to-reach places like inside his ears and between his paws.
3) If he tolerates it, you can try using a cotton ball dipped in plain unscented white vinegar to wipe him down. You can even use a spray bottle filled with water and a little bit of vinegar if he doesn't like the way it feels. The vinegar kills bacteria and deodorizes his body, which will make him smell much better until you can give him a full bath later.
4) Rinse off his face with water from the faucet. If he tolerates it, run your fingers across his skin to help dissolve any loose hairs that are matted onto his face.
5) Apply a thin coat of unscented lotion or aloe vera gel to any clean, dry areas of his body where the fur is still damp after you've dried him off with a towel. Don't use baby oil or any product with heavy ingredients, because it will just clog up his pores and make him feel greasy.
6) If you didn't shave his coat, you may want to leave the fur on his tail long so it dries up like a mohawk. Just be careful not to let his tail get caught in anything when he's walking around or you may end up with bald patches or sores on his tail.
When your cat's coat is wet, it's much easier to pull out any loose undercoat and mats without hurting him. But once the fur dries, clumps of it will stick out again and make him look like he has dandruff or dirty spots on him. If you're up for the challenge, you can use a pair of blunt-edge grooming toenail clippers or human hair scissors to cut out all those tangles and mats.
If your cat doesn't mind having his fur cut with clippers, you can shave down all of his undercoats using an electric hair trimmer. Just be careful not to nick his skin. If he hates having his fur cut, you'll probably end up with scratches all over your arms and face if you try to groom him with clippers. And it will take even longer for him to dry after a full bath!
7) Once the fur on your cat's body is completely dry, take a regular comb and brush his fur to help separate all the clumps of fur that dried sticking together. Don't worry about getting every single little mat out, but do try your best not to leave any clumps in his coat when you're done.
8) When bathing your cat is just too stressful, try using wipes! Yes, you can actually buy wipes that are specially designed to clean your cat's body. I recommend you use unscented, hypoallergenic wipes whenever you can't give him a full bath.
9) If you're up for the challenge, give him a full-body brush to remove as much loose fur as possible. They sell special cat brushes with rubber tips that prevent you from poking your little friend's skin, but those only work on cats that like to be brushed. If you're not sure whether your cat will sit still for a brush, try using an old (clean) toothbrush instead.
10) Give him one last wipe down with a cotton ball dipped in plain white vinegar. This last step is optional but really helps deodorize the skin and remove any remaining dandruff.
11) Put him in a room by himself and let him chill for a few hours while his fur dries completely stiff. If you want to give him some snacks or maybe play with him, that's fine too. Just don't do it right when he comes out of the bath because he'll be really gross and damp!
Once your cat's fur is nice and dry, you can give him a full brush to get rid of any hairs that are still matted onto his skin. Now it's time for the good stuff! You can give your cat a full meal and a few tasty snacks to reward him for being so patient during the bath.
12) If he hates getting his claws clipped, you might want to take him to a groomer to have this part of the process done instead.
13) Give your kitty lots of attention and treats when he's all done. You can also choose to give him a full body massage with one of his favorite feline-friendly scents like lavender or mint. If you're up for the challenge, try trimming out any bald patches or other problem areas that didn't dry thoroughly.
I hope this guide helped answer any questions you might have about bathing your cat! If you don't feel comfortable giving him a full bath, do yourself (and your pet) a favor and invest in some wipes! And if he doesn't like being brushed, try using an old toothbrush instead.