What foods can a hamster eat

Hamsters can eat any foods that are in their diet. The hamster's diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, seeds, meats, and dry food. This is called an omnivore's diet. From this dietary list, hamsters need to get the daily nutritional needs they require to live healthy lives. I have mentioned the 10 Best food for your hamsters.

What foods can a hamster eat?

1. Seeds

Seeds are a vital hamster food because it is high in both protein and grains. Seeds are good for hamsters when they are in the wild, but too much can cause a serious illness in pet hamsters. Overfeeding on seeds may lead to fatty liver disease in addition to heart problems and diabetes. Hamsters must also be given fresh fruits and vegetables to make sure they get all the nutrients they need.

2. Nuts

Nuts are high in protein, but also very fatty. Because of this, hamsters should not eat nuts more than three or four times a week to prevent getting sick. Too much fat can cause problems with the hamster's ability to reproduce, as well as heart disease.

3. Grains

Grains are good for hamsters because they are high in fiber and carbohydrates. When given fresh fruits and vegetables, grains will provide the hamster with all the nutrients it needs. Whole-grain bread can be given to a hamster daily since they do not contain much fat.

4. Fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the most important part of any hamster diet. They provide the essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and carbohydrates that a hamster needs. The best fruits for hamsters are apples, bananas, watermelon, strawberries, grapes, apricots, oranges, and peaches. The best vegetables for hamsters are green beans, carrots, peas, cabbage, celery, lettuce, spinach, potatoes (without skin)

5. Bread and cereals

Bread and cereals are good sources of carbohydrates for energy in the wild. Homemade bread can be given to a hamster once a day, but store-bought bread should be avoided because it contains too much fat. Special hamster cereals can also be purchased from a pet store and fed to a hamster once or twice a week.

6. Insects

Insects are very important sources of protein for wild hamsters. In the wild, insects supplement their diet, which is mainly made of seeds and grains. In captivity, insects provide a good source of protein for hamsters when given in moderation. Most pet stores will carry crickets, mealworms, wax worms, silkworms, and Phoenix worms.

7. Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are very important sources of fat that wild hamsters need to survive. Hamsters in captivity need about one teaspoon of oil every other day to stay healthy. Vegetable oils can also be found at any grocery store or pet store.

8. Cheese

Cheese is very good for the hamster diet because it contains protein and calcium, which are both great for growing bones, hair, and maintaining the muscles. Hamsters should only have cheese as a special treat once or twice a week because it is high in fat.

9. Animal proteins

Animal proteins are good for hamster diets, but meats can cause health problems if given too often. Hamsters should only eat animal proteins once or twice a week, and care must be taken to make sure the hamster does not get sick from food poisoning. The best animal proteins for a hamster are cooked chicken, beef, or lamb. Do not give hamsters raw or undercooked meats because they have been linked to Salmonella infections.

10. Human foods

Human foods should be avoided in a hamster's diet because they are not nutritionally dense. Many human foods contain high levels of sugar, fat, and salt which can lead to obesity. However, there are a few exceptions when it comes to human food for hamsters. Bread and grains are good for hamster diets because they provide complex carbohydrates needed for energy. Whole-grain bread can be given to a hamster once a day. Human foods that are good for hamsters include cooked rice, oatmeal, legumes, and boiled potatoes. 


Hamsters are rodents and as such, they can eat a variety of foods. In general, these animals will enjoy fruits and vegetables that have been cut into small pieces or softened with water to remove the tough skin. They also love seeds from plants like sunflower kernels, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, and peanuts. 

Some hamster owners recommend feeding their pet some oatmeal for breakfast which is high in protein but low in fat. 

You should avoid giving your hamster any type of dairy product because it contains lactose-a sugar molecule that many mammals cannot digest properly due to lack of an enzyme called lactase. Dairy products may cause diarrhea so you want to be sure not to feed them anything containing milk!
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